Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shinies + Guild Pace Commentary

Our forums and DKP site are now up! Thank Leyawyn when you get the chance! She will be working on a new homepage for us in the coming weeks, so stayed tuned for that. Until then, we'll be using this blog as our homepage (we've forwarded our domain ), so please keep checking here for updates. Use the navigation bar at the top of this site to find our forums and dkp, they will take you directly there.

If you are a member, be sure to register on the forums. There is a ton of important information there that you need to read and participate in. There is currently a poll for preferred raid days, a post on our leveling and progression pace, and a post on detailed rules & guidelines.

I think it is important that people understand our intended pace, because we have seen several members really power through to level 65, although it isn't too difficult these days. We do not plan to begin progression content for roughly 1 month, so please do not be in a huge rush to level.

Besides..we can't start raiding until we get enough rangers...

Although we have seen a turn out of almost 80 members, the guild is still in the early building stages, we've only been formed for less than a week! In the coming weeks, look for some 'mini raid events' happening online! We'll be looking to knock down some low tier targets for some low pressure fun that players from 46-65 can all participate in. These are in no way related to our progression, but rather a way to further experience the Planes of Power as a guild.

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